无论逗留的时间长短,万博买球世界杯的居民都非常喜欢在展馆里生活. 工作人员花时间与万博买球世界杯的住院病人建立关系,并真诚地关心他们的健康. 万博买球世界杯了解了万博买球世界杯的居民,建立了友谊的纽带,经常像家人一样亲密.
Multi-Disciplinary Medical Care
manbetx世界杯下载 & 康复 Pavilion provides 24-hour skilled nursing care, with a skilled and compassionate staff of RNs, lpn和cna.
We are proud of our multidisciplinary healthcare team, all of whom deliver the latest approaches in technology and care. 万博买球世界杯的内部医疗主任确保万博买球世界杯所有的住院医生都能得到定期的访问和高质量的医疗保健. 居民也可以方便地前往隔壁大楼的应用医院的医生和专家. 临终关怀服务也可根据住客的医师所确定的资格,提供给住客.
康复 & 治疗
On-site rehabilitative services are available, including Physical 治疗, Occupational 治疗 and Speech 治疗. 一个非常合格的治疗师团队与馆居民一起工作,以改善平衡, 强度, 流动性, memory and functionality.
康复和治疗服务由应用保健公司与本库拉康复服务公司合作提供, a premier provider of innovative rehabilitation therapy.
设施 & 房间
The Pavilion is a beautiful facility designed to fit the needs of all residents. Resident rooms offer all the comforts of home, with complimentary TVs and telephones and free Wi-Fi access.
The overall atmosphere is inviting and warm, with spacious community areas that encourage social interaction and fellowship. Common areas include the cafeteria, activity room and chapel as well as a variety of outdoor areas for relaxation.
展馆提供各种健康菜单选择,所有这些都是由万博买球世界杯的员工注册营养师计划的. 居民们可以从本周的菜单中选择美味的饭菜,也可以点“随时供应”的热门菜品,” such as a hamburger or soup/sandwich.
展馆外向友好的活动工作人员创建并安排了完整的社交活动日历. 这些设计是为了匹配所有居民的兴趣和身体能力.
In our bright and airy activity room, residents can spend time with friends, 看电影, 玩游戏, browse the book shelves, and participate in seasonal parties. 愉快的室内活动也计划为居民谁不能离开他们的床.
个人 & 社会服务
Pavilion residents enjoy a wide range of amenities living at the Pavilion. 服务包括:
Daily housekeeping and laundry services
Assistance with shopping for personal needs
Assistance with making medical appointments
万博买球世界杯的社会服务主任与住客及其家人紧密合作,处理他们的特殊要求和关切, helping assist the resident in handling personal finances, coordinating care and discharge planning.
At the 采用护理 & 康复馆,万博买球世界杯明白,为您所爱的人选择合适的护理是 极 重要的. 如果你正在考虑一个高级生活住宅,可以提供高水平的熟练护理, 给万博买球世界杯打电话 912-367-9841 to speak with an admissions representative.